The Learning Support department at Mayfield is committed to supporting pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and/ or disabilities. This includes pupils with Learning Difficulties, Specific Learning difficulties including dyslexia, the Autistic Spectrum, Hearing Impairment, Visual Impairment and those with Social Emotional and Behavioural difficulties. Mayfield is a CReSTeD (Council for the Registration of Schools Teaching Dyslexic Pupils) school. This registration means that as a school we are able to offer a thoughtful programme of additional support for our dyslexic pupils. We have a designated member of the Inclusion team who is responsible for screening pupils who may have dyslexia.

Pupils’ needs are assessed through a range of testing procedures including reading, writing and spelling. We use information from junior schools, staff referrals, pupil referrals, parents/carers and from advisory teachers to ensure support and provision is in place.

All pupils identified with SEN are included in our SEN register as SEN Support and those with a Statement of need or Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) in line with the SEN Code of Practice.

Appropriate provision is put in place according to the individual need of the pupils. Pupils identified as needing SEN support and those with a Statement / EHCP of SEN will have either an Individual Education Plan (IEP) Individual Behaviour Plan (IBP) or a Pastoral Support Plan(PSP). These Plans are reviewed regularly.

Pupils with EHCP's are supported in line with the objectives of their plan and these are reviewed at least annually. This could include, in class support, small group work and in some cases one to one work with a Learning Support Assistant away from the classroom.

We have a highly experienced and dedicated team that can support the wide range of students with SEN.

The SENDCO for seniors is Mrs V Howard, who can be contacted by email or by phone on 02392693432.

If you have any concerns about SEND issues, please refer to Mrs  V Howard, or to the school's complaints policy which can be found here.

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