The early years foundation stage (EYFS) sets standards for the learning, development and care of your child from birth to 5 years old.  This includes Year R at Mayfield.

All schools and Ofsted-registered early years providers must follow the EYFS, including childminders, preschools, nurseries and school reception classes.

Your child will mostly be taught through games and play.

The areas of learning are:

  • communication and language
  • physical development
  • personal, social and emotional development
  • literacy
  • mathematics
  • understanding the world
  • expressive arts and design

Their class teacher will assess them at the end of Year R.  The assessment is based on classroom observation - your child won’t be tested. It uses the early learning goals, which can be found in the early years framework.

The phonics screening check is a quick and easy check of your child’s phonics knowledge. It helps your school confirm whether your child has made the expected progress in reading.

 Your child will sit with a teacher he or she knows and be asked to read 40 words aloud.

 Your child may have read some of the words before, while others will be completely new.

 The check normally takes just a few minutes to complete and there is no time limit. If your child is struggling, the teacher will stop the check. The check is carefully designed not to be stressful for your child

Pupils in Year 2 take the key stage 1 (KS1) national curriculum tests, also known as SATs, in May.  The child’s teacher will use the results of these tests, along with evidence they have seen in the classroom, to make a judgement about the pupil's progress and attainment. This overall picture is called a teacher assessment judgement.

 Parents will receive a report the teacher assessment judgements for their child by the end of the summer term. You’ll receive judgements for your child in:

  • English reading
  • English writing
  • mathematics
  • science

If your child is working below the overall standard of the key stage, or they have special educational needs, reporting will be different. You should speak to your child’s teacher for more information.

When making their teacher assessment judgements, teachers will assess your child’s work against a clearly defined framework.

For English reading, English writing and mathematics, each judgement reports if a pupil is:

  • working towards the expected standard
  • working at the expected standard
  • working at greater depth within the expected standard

For science, the judgement will only report if a pupil is working at the expected standard.

Pupils in year 6, at the end of key stage 2, will take national curriculum tests in English grammar, punctuation and spelling, English reading and mathematics in May.  The tests help measure the progress pupils have made and identify if they need additional support in a certain area. The tests are also used to assess schools’ performance and to produce national performance data.

At the end of the summer term, parents receive test results for:

  • English grammar, punctuation and spelling
  • English reading
  • mathematics

As there is no test for English writing, this will be reported as a teacher assessment judgement. This is a judgement teachers will make, based on your child’s work at the end of key stage 2. You will also receive a teacher assessment judgement for science.

Mayfield pupils took the Key Stage 2 statutory assessments for the first time in 2022.  The government will not publish Key Stage 2 school level data for 2021 to 2022.  The last available public data is from the 2018 to 2019 academic year. It is important to note that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.  Mayfield did not have a Year 6 cohort to take the assessments in that year.

Percentage reaching at least the expected standard  
Reading 60%
Writing 61%
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 56%
Mathematics 56%
Science 91%
Reading, Writing and Mathematics combined 39%


The 2022 headline results for Mayfield School were:

Achievement 8 Score 39.5

Progress 8 Score


% achieving an 5-9 grade in English and Maths


% entered for the English Baccalaureate 9%

% achieving the English Baccalaureate


Ebacc Average Points Score 3.32
% of Year 11 students continuing in education or training, based on 2019 cohort  92%


The provisional 2023 headline results for Mayfield School were:

Achievement 8 Score 30.6

Progress 8 Score


% achieving an 5-9 grade in English and Maths


% entered for the English Baccalaureate 36%

% achieving the English Baccalaureate


Ebacc Average Points Score 2.69
% of Year 11 students continuing in education or training, based on 2020 cohort 94%


A detailed breakdown of the 2022 Key Stage 4 results by subject can be found here.

Schools performance tables can be viewed here.

Information on the destination of leavers:  Information for 2020 leavers (latest available)

Number of Pupils Any sustained education or employment Any sustained education destination Further education college or other FE provider Sixth form college Sustained apprenticeships
179 94% 85% 60% 25% 6%


For more information, please visit the government site, here.

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